Are bamboo socks better?

We get asked a lot why we don’t use Bamboo in our socks – given its apparent sustainability. Bamboo socks have exploded in popularity in recent years, touted for their comfort and eco-friendly credentials. In this article we take a closer look at this trendy material as there are downsides to consider.

Lack of moisture-wicking properties

One major drawback is drying time. Bamboo fibers hold onto moisture, making socks slower to dry than cotton or wool. This can be a problem for using bamboo as sports socks, those with sweaty feet, or those who prefer to air dry their clothes.

Care Can Be a Chore

Bamboo socks are often delicate and require special care. High heat can damage the fibers, so forget tossing them in with your regular laundry. This special treatment might not be ideal for everyone’s lifestyle.

Eco-friendly, But Not Quite

The process of turning bamboo into a fabric called rayon involves harsh chemicals, which can also be harmful to workers and to aquatic life when released into the water supply. While some companies use eco-friendly methods, the environmental impact isn’t always as clear-cut as advertised as there isn’t a reliable oversight body in China.

Not All That Durable

While comfortable, bamboo fibers can lack durability. They may wear out faster than cotton or synthetic socks, meaning you might need to replace them more frequently.

For this reason, given we focus primarily on sports socks, and given there is no proper transparency or an accountable supply chain, we’ll be avoiding bamboo.